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The Charming Arlenis Sosa

The Charming Arlenis Sosa

More than stunning beauty and a world-class strut, model Arlenis Sosa stands out for her altruism, intelligence and professionalism. We were able to catch her in between flights and got her talking on personal style, travel tips and her inspiring philanthropic work.


Besides being a model, you have used your platform to provide a voice for under privileged Dominicans. Tell us a little bit about your work with the Felix Diaz Foundation.

Being present in my community has always been a priority for me. I am very well aware of the vulnerable situation that so many face in my country. This is a beautiful project that does great work in the country and I wanted to get on board the moment a friend told me about the project. Felix is an Olympic athlete and also won a gold medal in Beijing—he is a big source of pride in my country. Just like me, he comes from a humble background and we both care deeply about leaving our mark and helping the youth know that there are ways to succeed. You can educate and teach discipline to kids and teens through sports and other things. We also work with elders and kids with illnesses—we wanted to bring smiles, love and hope to them and let them know that they were not alone.


Your fashion career spans over a decade now. What do you think is the key to your success?

The key to my long-lasting career has definitely been my discipline, the love that I have for my job as well as my punctuality and professionalism. I have always thought that it is important to establish relationships that go beyond work and feel more like family—I have had this career for 14 years now.


A very balanced style is your trademark—sometimes you wear bold outfits with lots of color and others you opt for a more classic style. What do you take into consideration when dressing?

The most important thing is to take the location or the occasion into account. I think of what I want to communicate with my look, if I am feeling sexy or more conservative.


You have worn Silvia Tcherassi for several events. What draws you to the brand?

I am drawn to the fact that it connects me to my Latin American culture, especially through the use of color and the movement in the fabric. Silvia shares our culture through our design and I love that about her.

As someone who is constantly travelling, do you have any tips for looking great while on the move?

I am always travelling, likely 3-4 times a week on a plane and constantly changing climates. I try to stick to my routine as much as I can. Staying hydrated is very important because you can get a little puffy when travelling. Stretching and doing my online Pilates class is key, as are my vitamins (D, E, omega, magnesium and charcoal) and of course, my beauty routine.

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